

Volunteering with Calgary Branch!

August 31st 2022

Important Information about our Programs: The Navy League Cadet Program is solely funded by Navy League at the Branch level. The Navy Cadet program is funded by a partnership between the Department of National Defence and the Navy League. The aim of the Cadet Program is to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship, leadership and promote physical fitness. To keep the program accessible, cadets and parents are expected to help with fundraising and volunteer positions. If time doesn’t permit for you to help with fundraising and volunteering donations are always appreciated. The suggested donation for a training year in lieu of volunteer hours is a tax deductible $250.


We have a rewarding range of volunteer opportunities for parents. The BASIC expectation for volunteer hours is 10 hours per training year. This can be as simple as volunteering at a few bingos or a small ongoing role helping with the canteen or filling out grant applications. Whether it is a board position or a few bingos, every volunteer hour is important to be able to run a great program for our youth. There are two types of positions; Screened positions where you will be interacting with Cadets and require to be screened prior to fulfilling the role and non-screened positions.

The following is a description of some of the open and ongoing volunteer positions. Use the QR code at the bottom of the page to sign up quickly if you see a volunteer position which suits you.

Canteen Coordinator (screened position) – You will work with the Canteen volunteers to create a schedule for Tuesday and Thursday nights and ensure we have volunteers at the canteen for Stand Easy (break). You will coordinate with the board to ensure the canteen remains stocked up.

Canteen Volunteers (Need 4 per Corps) (screened position) – You will sell snacks to Cadets during Stand Easy (break). 1 hour total per training evening.

Bingo Volunteer – Bingos are once per month and there are several positions to fill for Bingos. As a Bingo volunteer the expectation is to participate in at least 3 throughout the year to fulfill the basic commitment. 40 volunteer spots available

Board Treasurer’s Assistant – Work with the Calgary Branch Treasurer.

Grant Application Coordinator (screened) – Work with 2 grant writing volunteers using the Grant Advance program which makes Grant Writing simple and straight forward. 

Grant Writers (NON Screened) – Work on your free time to apply for grants using our Grant Advance program which finds applicable grants and helps you fill out the paperwork. Report to the Grant Application Coordinator. THIS IS A CRITICAL VOLUNTEER POSITION in order to keep our program viable.

Fundraising Coordinator (screened) – work with the Calgary Branch Board coordinating fundraising between the 2 Corps. Head of the Fundraising Committee reporting directly to the board.

Fundraising Committee (NON screened) – Total of 6 volunteers needed. Work with the fundraising coordinator organizing fundraising activities.

Gaming / AGLC Assistant – Working with our current Gaming / AGLC chair and assisting with paperwork and working with the Bingo volunteers.

Events Coordinator – Work with the board and events committee to coordinate events such as Remembrance Day, ACR, Dances, etc…

Events Committee – work with events coordinator arranging décor, tickets, food, etc… for events during the training year. 6 spots available.

Public Relations – Work with the Communications Chair to maintain our social media account and coordinate efforts to promote our programs on billboards, banners and at events such as Globalfest and the Calgary Stampede.

Kit Shop Coordinator – Work with the board to bring in and sell Corps Merchandise.

Board Positions – Elections are in Spring 2023. If you are interested in becoming a board member do not hesitate to let us know!


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