
Volunteer Commitment

Parents and guardians play a crucial role in the Navy League of Canada, Calgary Branch community by supporting the corps as volunteers, assisting with fundraising and administrative functions as needed.

Parents and guardians are expected to fulfill volunteer hours to assist the Corps and the Calgary Branch.

The more common volunteer positions are listed on this page. In addition to these listed positions, there will also be other opportunities that will be posted and communicated throughout the year.

Why do we need volunteers?

The cadet program is operating via fundraising efforts, gaming and casino funding and generous donations.


The Navy League of Canada, Calgary Branch supports both the NLCC Captain Jackson and RCSCC UNDAUNTED cadet corps. NLCC Captain Jackson operates entirely through volunteers and relies on us, including our generous donors, to fund its training year. While RCSCC UNDAUNTED receives some financial support from the Department of National Defense, this does not fully cover the exceptional training they offer.
Parents and guardians 18+ can assist the Calgary Branch by signing up and helping out at the Bingos and Casino (Casinos are allocated every 18-24 months). A bingo requires 8-13 volunteers in various roles. When we are not able to fill a bingo with volunteers, we lose half the monies for that particular Bingo and could incur penalties. These penalties (if they are recurring) could cause us to lose our access to bingos.

They can also assist with the fundraising efforts by being a part of the grants committee, fundraising committee or acting as coordinators for either committee.

Other Positions

The officers of both corps put in tremendous effort to ensure a great experience for our cadets. To help them focus on their duties, the Calgary Branch works to handle some of the administrative tasks and maintain the spaces used by the cadet corps.

Parents and guardians can assist the Branch by signing up for the various positions that will be available throughout the year. These may include: archiving of corps memorabilia, maintaining the annex spaces utilized by the corps, canteen volunteering, kit shop volunteering, event volunteers, etc.

Volunteer Positions

There are two types of positions: screened positions, where you will be interacting with cadets and require screening prior to fulfilling the role, and non-screened positions. Below is a description of some of the open and ongoing volunteer positions.

Bingo Volunteer
There are a variety of positions for each bingo. The positions generally include:
  • 2 backroom volunteers (previous experience is needed)
  • 1 no-experience backroom volunteer
  • 5-10 floor volunteers (number is dependent on day and time of day). The floor volunteers generally are bingo card sellers or bingo verifiers (these positions are assigned the day of the bingo).
Board Positions
Elections are in Spring 2025 . If you are interested in becoming a board member, do not hesitate to let us know!
Canteen Coordinator (screened position)
You will work with the canteen volunteers to create a schedule for Tuesday and Thursday nights and ensure we have volunteers at the canteen for Stand Easy (break). You will coordinate with the board to ensure the canteen remains stocked.
Canteen Volunteers (screened position)
Volunteers are needed to assist with the canteen sales. Canteen occurs on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Shift length is approximately 7-8:30. Each canteen night requires 2-3 volunteers. Volunteers are NOT required to be present for each canteen night and will have flexibility in scheduling themselves.
Events Committee
You will work with the events Coordinator to arrange décor, tickets, food, etc. for events during the training year.
Events Coordinator
You will work with the board and events committee to coordinate events such as Remembrance Day, ACR, dances, etc.
Fundraising Committee (non-screened)
Work with the Fundraising Coordinator to organize fundraising activities.
Fundraising Coordinator (screened)
You will work with the Calgary Branch Board, coordinating fundraising between the 2 Corps. Head of the Fundraising Committee, reporting directly to the board.
Gaming / AGLC Assistant
Work with our current Gaming / AGLC Chair, assisting with paperwork and working with the bingo volunteers.
Grant Application Coordinator (screened)
You will work with two (2) grant writing volunteers using the Grant Advance program, which makes grant writing simple and straightforward.
Grant Writers (non-screened)
You will work in your free time to apply for grants using our Grant Advance program, which finds applicable grants and helps you fill out the paperwork. You will report to the Grant Application Coordinator. This is a critical volunteer position to keep our program viable.
Public Relations
Work with the Communications Chair to obtain social media and website content from Branch activities and certain cadet events.

Thank you for your support and dedication to our programs!